12 Misconceptions & Myths About Professional Organizers

You might have some thoughts on what it looks like to work with a Professional Organizer, from watching TV shows and reading magazines. From talking with people, I find there are a lot of misconceptions about what Professional Organizers actually do. So let’s bust some myths!

12 Misconceptions & Myths About Professional Organizers

Myths About Professional Organizers

MYTH #1 // Professional Organizers force people to throw away their stuff.

TRUTH // Actually, the client makes the final decisions. You see, we can’t know what has value to you and what doesn’t. We don’t know the history of the items you’re considering keeping or donating. What we do is ask questions, so you can make a decision faster and with more confidence. We help YOU decide.


MYTH #2 // They will post photos of my “messy“ house on social media.

TRUTH // Taking footage (photos or videos) along through the decluttering and organizing process, especially for a bigger project, that may require multiple sessions. This can be super helpful in showing the client the progress they are making. 

If we do use images from a home and tag a client, it’s always and only with their consent and never to criticise. It’s only to showcase the amazing progress our clients make. We aim to inspire others to follow your lead. 


MYTH #3 // I’m an adult. I should know how to do this by now!

TRUTH // Not necessarily! We don’t know what you’ve been through or the skills you were taught. What we do know is that life events can derail even the most organized person. We’re not there to judge, but to find solutions and share our knowledge, so you can move forward in your journey. In all honesty, all we want is for you to succeed.


MYTH #4 // Professional Organizers’ houses are always clean and tidy.

TRUTH // OMG! This could not be further from the truth. We’re humans, we have families and pets and stress, just like you do. We might be faster at getting back on track, from years of practising and helping others, but we certainly aren’t perfect (and who is?).


MYTH #5 // Professional Organizers think everyone is a hoarder.

TRUTH // Actually, what you think is bad, is probably just a regular level of clutter to any Pro Organizer. Also, there is a very clear classification and tool Professional Organizers use to assess someone’s home. It’s called a Clutter-Hoarding Scale and you can find it here . It mentions 5 levels of clutter and disorganization, 2 of which are not considered in the “hoarding“ zone.


MYTH #6 // You have to be rich to hire a Professional Organizer.

TRUTH // Absolutely not! Especially if you are willing to do some of the work with us, and on your own, between sessions (homework). Professional Organizers work with all kinds of budget and home sizes.


MYTH #7 // Anybody can be a Professional Organizer.

TRUTH // Technically yes. Just like anyone can be a website designer without any degree and do a great job. But POs that are listed on the different associations around the world have great training and follow a specific code of ethics.  


MYTH #8 // Professional Organizers only work in-person and on physical stuff.

TRUTH // There is such a variety of services to fit everyone's needs. There is in-person declutter and organizing, virtual organizing if you prefer that, some people work exclusively on preserving and organizing your photos (like this one), others may also offer products or services about time management or digital clutter. There are POs that work only with businesses, are specialised in big moves, or work specifically with elderly people who want to downsize. 

To find a Professional Organizer in Canada, you can check POC, NAPO in the USA, and APDO in the UK


MYTH #9 // Professional Organizers do their thing while you’re away.

TRUTH // Although this can happen on some level, most PO, me included, will want to work with you to figure out what stays and what goes. We’re not the ones deciding what is valuable to you. Plus, you will probably want some time to digest some of the information we will share. You might even want to do some parts on your own, at your own pace. 


MYTH #10 // Once you declutter and organize, it’s done, right?

TRUTH // Um no! Being organized is an ongoing process. Things always come into your home. Think of it as like tending a garden. You may have to devote some time to get your garden going (working with a Professional Organizer), but once it’s going, you will still have to weed, water and generally tend to your garden, which most people are happy to do on their own, although some POs also offer maintenance sessions.


MYTH #11 // My house will be Pinterest worthy once I work with a PO.

TRUTH // Well that depends entirely on you and how much time you have to maintain the spaces in your home.

In recent years, TV shows have popularised a few methods of organizing like file-folding by Marie Kondo, using the colours of the rainbow with the Home Edit, or decanting everything. As much as these methods look great on social media, they may not work for you.

I would suggest that most Professional Organizers would love to make your home as aesthetically pleasing as possible, while focusing mostly on function. The final organized spaces have to be easy to maintain by you, otherwise, there is no point and you’ll end up right back where you started.


MYTH #12 // They are basically glorified cleaners.

TRUTH - NOPE! We don’t mind wiping down shelves and containers and the decor items going back on display, but we are not there to clean your space top to bottom like a cleaning service would do. Although they might feel similar, they are two very distinct specialisations. We both make your home feel better and more spacious, but in very different ways.


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