Mid-Year Life Audit

It’s easy at the beginning of the year to be enthusiastic about the clean slate and all the possibilities in front of us.

So we write goals, intentions or resolutions that we fully intend to achieve.

But then, life takes over or unexpected events happen and we get sidetracked. For me, summer is usually what keeps me away from my goals. As much as I tell myself I’m going to take the opportunity to do this and that (and often I do), I usually do way less than I thought; because rest is needed, and lazy afternoons reading in the hammock happen, and actual going away for a couple days' vacations (or more) are the best.

If you’re like me, by this time, you see September looming and you start panicking a bit about where all your good intentions and motivation went.

Enter the Mid-Year Life Audit!

This exercise will simply and effectively help you refocus on what you want to get done by the end of this year. You can download the PDF here.

Let’s jump in!

Step 1 - Go back to your goals

What intentions or goals did you have for this year? If you wrote them down somewhere, grab your list, or maybe you made a vision board.

If you didn't have any written goals, think back on what you wished you had accomplished or done so far this year. Make a list of all the goals and intentions you wished you had moved forward.

Step 2 - Review what happened so far

List all the things you did, created and loved, all the events you went to, all the special moments, even those that were not planned. 

Don’t skip this part, it’s important to realize just how much has happened thus far and therefore how much can still happen in the next little while. I bet you did more than you think.

Use your calendar, your planner, your phone (photos), you can even check your expenses to help you remember ALL the things.

I do this monthly and I’m always blown away at all the things I can list.

Step 3 - Remove the obstacles

Sometimes, we have a lot of excuses around our goals. We aspire to achieve certain things, but are not prepared or underestimate the work it’s going to take to get there. 

Other times, there are actual things in the way preventing us from reaching your goals.

List the beliefs, the habits, the life things, the events, and the routines that are unhelpful. Try to go beyond: “I don’t have enough time in a day“.

What can you change so things work in your favour? What's in your control? If time is an issue, what activity or habit is eating your time? Could you change your behaviour to gain even just 30 minutes a day?

If you’re interested in Time Management, I have a toolkit called 7 Habits to Get Things Done you might be interested in.

Step 4 - Teak your goals

Do you need to change your goals a little or write new ones to better represent your life and desires today? It is completely OK to change your goals if the ones you listed before are not appealing anymore.

What goals or intentions still feel true to you? Why are they important? What do you see at the end of the rainbow, once you achieve your goals?

Sometimes we feel like we SHOULD have, do or be a certain way. Like: “I should cook at home more often“. So you make it a goal. But if you focus on what you really want instead of what you think you should want; what goals come up for you?

Goals can be little or gigantic. Whatever feels good to you. Just know that the big goals may have to be broken down into phases, or smaller ones.

And here’s a little help on writing your goals and making your resolutions stick.

Step 5 - Plan what’s coming

Wouldn't it be easy to achieve our personal goals, if we didn’t have to work, or take care of loved ones? But life doesn’t work that way, so look at the events you have coming up that you can’t get out of. Block off time to make these things work for you.

Here’s an example: I know as an introvert that I need time to myself to replenish my energy levels, after I work with someone on decluttering their space (even if online). So I try to block off time for tasks that don't demand interactions or a day of rest right after that busy time.

But events can be fun too! What things or events are you looking forward to for the rest of the year? Injecting fun in your day-to-day is a great way to fill your tank and be motivated to do the hard work later.

Do you have fun traditions around this time and until the end of the year? Write them in your planner or calendar and plan around them.

Step 6 - Break it down

From your list you made in step 4, pick just ONE goal to work on in the next 90 days!

Why just one? Because you’re much more likely to get things done, than if you try to cram 5 things into your schedule, on top of regular everyday life.

ps. If you reach your goal before the 90 days are over, pick another one from your list and keep going.
Or take this as your permission to be happy and rest!

Break your goal down into manageable steps. The smaller the better. Make it so small, you can’t NOT do it.

Write down the steps in your planner, your calendar, or whatever you use as a task manager. Assign deadlines for each. 

Start working towards your goal consistently. Even 5-15 minutes a day can make a difference.

If need be, block time off in your calendar dedicated to checking tasks off your list.


Hope this helps and don’t forget to download the PDF.

Now, what GOAL are you gonna crush? Let me know below.


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